Day = Night
Today marks the day when the Sun is above the horizon for exactly 12 hours of the day everywhere on the planet. This astronomical event happens twice a year and is called the equinox. The name equinox...
View ArticleCan Pollen Explain the Seasonality of Flu-Like Incidence?
Author links: Martijn J.HoogeveenaEric C.M.van GorpbEllen K.HoogeveencaDepartment Technical Sciences & Environment, Open University, the NetherlandsbDepartment of Viroscience and Department of...
View ArticleThe Mystery of Snowflakes
Dr Ken Libbrecht is the world expert on snowflakes, designer of custom snowflakes, snowflake consultant for the movie Frozen his photos appear on postage stamps all over the world. His website is full...
View ArticleTrack the Saharan dust
Over the past couple of days, many will have noticed the sky turning orange and sand covering everything outside. It’s sand and dust from the Sahara Desert in Africa that has been whipped up into the...
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